With all these new albums coming out every month its not fair to pick favorites too early. I also don't want to wait to the almost mandatory end of year list. So after an albums been out for a few months, I've decided to let my playlist counter speak the truth on what I really enjoy listening to that month.
As the new year began there was only ONE album was coming out that I was super stoked to hear. (Sorry LAMB OF GOD & ABORTED, you were #2 &3) BIOHAZARD-Reborn In Defiance. I'm a DFL fan for sure. I have all their previous releases, that's right, ALL of them! I dug all the post Bobby albums. New World Disorder is my favorite Bobby-less album. This record just kicks you right in the teeth after the heart beat intro & it doesn't let up till its over. Favorite tracks so far: "Vengeance is Mine", "Decay" & "Skull Crusher".
They sound fresh young hungry and pissed off. Bassist/ vocals Evan Seinfeld & rhythm guitarist/vocals Billy (Graziadei) sound like beasts out for blood. Drummer, Danny Schuler's just a powerhouse of intensity while Bobby Hambel makes you wish all hardcore bands had guitar solos. This is a very FULL sounding production. It's metal enough for the metal heads and hardcore enough for, well...the hardcore heads.
I was very lucky I was able to see the last NYC show with the original lineup. I've seen them with all the previous guitar players and never have I seen sooo much energy from them. Yeah, Billy always ran around, but now with Bobby, if you blink they've switched sides or doing something like hanging upside down from the stage. These guys enjoy what they do you can hear & see it clearly.

Sadly Evan bowed out of the band before the release of Reborn..., but thankfully former lead guitarist Scott (Means To An End record) Roberts stepped up to the challenge and hit it out of the park live. I know it must not be an easy thing going from guitar to bass. But his attitude and skills make it seem natural.He's got some pretty nice foot work too!
If you weren't a fan before, this probably won't change your mind. However, if you were a fan who fell off on them , this will make you go 'what the hell have I been missing!?'

Sadly Evan bowed out of the band before the release of Reborn..., but thankfully former lead guitarist Scott (Means To An End record) Roberts stepped up to the challenge and hit it out of the park live. I know it must not be an easy thing going from guitar to bass. But his attitude and skills make it seem natural.He's got some pretty nice foot work too!
If you weren't a fan before, this probably won't change your mind. However, if you were a fan who fell off on them , this will make you go 'what the hell have I been missing!?'